Building Personal Brand

Your value proposition identifies the value you bring to the talent marketplace and is woven throughout your marketing materials including paper, online, and verbal talking points. Think of three reasons why someone should hire you? Have a blend of functional, technical, and/or soft skills to showcase your value.

Your resume is a critical component of your marketing materials, whether you use it to advance in your current organization or in an external search for a new role. Even if you are not in a search, you can employ your resume as an introductory piece and overview of your background and experiences.  You never know when you might hear “Send me your resume so I can get an idea of your background.” The best time to update your resume is before you think you need it!


On-Demand Video:

Guiding Videos:


>> Full-Time MBA and MS/MA students must follow the prescribed resume template for submission in Handshake.

>> All students, please take heed of the cautions shared in Video 2 (starting at timestamp 8:06) regarding Automated Tracking Systems (ATS). Our team strongly discourages the use of visual/design components in your resume (graphics, tables, charts, etc.) if it will be submitted electronically.

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network and has become an essential personal branding tool. It is more important now than ever before to build and maintain a stellar LinkedIn profile. LinkedIn has over 740 million members and, without a profile, companies may not take you seriously in the business world. Your profile increases your visibility and credibility and supports efficiency in maintaining your ever-evolving network.


On-Demand Video:

Creating and practicing a personal marketing message is essential for successful networking. Being prepared with your 30-second commercial or elevator pitch can prove beneficial in networking situations. Think about it as a clean and concise introductory statement designed to convey key points to your target audience.